App + Game Reviews


Cyber Expert Reviewer:

Yasmin London

Former Police Officer

Reviewed on Nov 18, 2022

Tinder is a dating app designed for adults, and includes geolocation information users can use to find potential romantic partners who are located near them. If two people swipe right on each other's profile, they get a 'Match', and are granted permission to start the dating process'. Users are able to share personal information about themselves on their profile, including photos. Tinder requires users you upload at least one picture of themselves onto your profile. Because Tinder is known to be a dating app, many young people use the app for sexual conversations and finding interested romantic partners. Because matches are based on whether people have agreed that each other are attractive, its not uncommon for conversations to escalate to nude image requests.

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Rapid Expert Review

App Store Rating
Ages 18+

Our Experts Recommend
Ages 18+

Parents' Guide to Tinder

Known Risks (0 - Low; 5 - High)

Sexting & Hook-ups


Privacy & Security


Adult Content


Online Bullying














What parents need to know

Strangers and dating

Tinder is based upon the notion of meeting a potential date. Whilst very popular with adults, this app is very inappropriate for children.

Highly sexualized conversations

Once users have a match, it can be implied that both users find one another attractive. It's therefore not uncommon for conversations to become very sexualized very quickly, even before the actual date.


Users are able to select how close they would like their potential matches to be from them. Geolocation means that your location at the time (at least your suburb) is given to all users.

Delete the account

This app is not appropriate for your child to have. If you see this installed on your childs' device it is important that you take the correct steps in removing it. Uninstalling the app will remove it from your childs' device but it will not delete their account entirely. Go to the 'How to's' section for step-by-step instructions on how to delete a Tinder account.

Tips and tricks for safe, responsible use

Blocking inappropriate messages

It's well known that some users will engage in disrespectful conversations very quickly, either because of highly sexualised comments, or derogatory messages. You don't need to put up with fowl language. Block people who are not treating you respectfully.

Linking to Facebook

For many Facebook users, their profession and place of workplace are listed. If you sign up to Tinder via your Facebook account, make sure to edit your workplace out. It can be a scary scenario when a love-interest-gone-wrong knows where you work.

Delete your account

If you are under 18 you should not be using this app. This app is for adults to date one another and is riddled with strangers, and inappropriate content. If you have created an account you need to know that your account won't be deleted by simply uninstalling the Tinder app. You will need to remove/delete your account entirely. For steps on this process, check out the 'How to's' section below.

How tos

Deleting your Tinder account

Temporarily hiding your profile

  1. Open Tinder 
  2. Tap the profile icon 
  3. Select Settings  
  4. Scroll to Discovery
  5. Toggle Discovery to off


Permanently deleting your account

  1. Sign into the Tinder app or 
  2. Tap the profile icon
  3. Go to Settings
  4. Scroll down and select Delete Account


  • Chat
  • In-App Purchases
  • Location Tracking
  • Messaging
  • Photo and Video Sharing
ChatIn-App PurchasesLocation TrackingMessagingPhoto and Video Sharing

Your Child's Online Rights